Bamboo cloth diapers are super popular with cloth diapering fans around the world. With the softness and absorbency of these cloth diapers, it is no wonder bamboo diapers are finding their way into so many chic diaper bags. This stuff is environmentally friendly because it grows quickly without pesticides or fertilizers. This gorgeous fabric is also very, very soft, making it a great "green" choice for diapering.
A Japanese study of bamboo fabric found that the fiber retains it's unique antibacterial qualities even after 50 washings. Bacteria simply doesn't like to grow on it. Scientists found that when they tried to grow bacteria with this fabric after washing it many times, 70 percent of the bacteria died. That makes it a natural choice for cloth diapers where keeping bacteria down may also reduce diaper rash and odors.
Because the plants grows so quickly, it takes far fewer resources to grow than conventionally grown cotton. These green dynamos can grow 12 inches in a day and since they are naturally resistant to disease and pests, it does not require chemicals to grow. Bamboo is also great for the air quality. It absorbs carbon dioxide from the air 40 percent better than trees. Due to their rapid growth and strong root system, they also help reduce soil erosion. While hte process for turning the raw materials into usable fabric can still be improved, it is still far easier on the environment than creating synthetics. While there is no perfect environmental choice for any fabric, bamboo is an excellent, eco-friendly fabric for cloth diapering.
This amazing fiber is 60 percent more absorbent than cotton, and can absorb up to 3 times it's weight in water. Hemp fabrics are 70 percent more absorbent than cotton, but hemp does not always retain that soft feel the way this buttery fabric does. Combining it with cotton makes it much stronger (often you will see it combined with organic cotton) and many manufacturers use a little polyester in the blend to make it more durable. While 100 percent natural fabrics are great, a more durable fabric is often more environmentally friendly than one that wears out too quickly.
The naturally open fiber that makes it very breathable and it can be made into fleece, velour, woven fabrics or soft knits. It is often used next to the skin because it wicks moisture away quickly. This is one of the softest fabrics you will ever feel, in almost any type of fabric it is still silky and has a great feel to it! It retains it's softness after many washings better than hemp or cotton. Once you feel this incredibly soft fabric you will want to wear it too!
There are dozens of brands of bamboo cloth diapers available. You can find plain or fancy prefolds, adorable fitted diapers, all in one diapers with natural fiber linings, and absorbent diaper inserts. Cloth diaper wipes, changing pads and other cloth diaper accessories are also available. No matter which option you choose, you'll love the softness and absorbency while you can feel good about using environmentally friendly diapers.